BEAU BRIN is the workshop of a crafter having trained as a upholsterer, but who was after all, very attracted by the Thonet and Art Deco cane
chairs, the modernists and the woven Scandinavians of the 20th century. Saddened by the disastrous restorations we can notice sometimes, she drops her fabrics and decides to henceforth devote
herself to the work of these natural fibers according to the rules ! In french "dans les règles de l'art" !
It is a real know-how : the caning is handmade, the straw does never come out of a ready-to-use roll, the cord is carefully chosen, then beautiful. A concern for excellence, respect for traditional techniques and priority given to high quality materials and impeccable finishing are the rules of the workshop. Here, we know how to appreciate the beautiful things...
OFFICIAL LIST OF ARTISTIC PROFESSIONS (canneur-rempailleur in the section Furnishing and decoration)
«The following are craftsmen, […] natural persons as well as company managers, legal persons who are principally or secondarily engaged in independent production, creation, processing or reconstruction, repair and overhaul, of heritage restoration, characterized by the mastery of gestures and techniques for working with the material and requiring artistic input».
Art.22 of Law no.2014-626 of June 2014 on crafts, commerce and very small businesses
Artistic crafter